pré E3: virtua fighters 5 sur PS3

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SEGA Announces ‘Virtua Fighter 5’ Exclusively For The PlayStation 3

Premier Fighting Series K.O’.s its Way to Next-Generation Console

SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (May 8, 2006) – SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. announced today that the highly anticipated arcade game, Virtua Fighter™ 5, will make its way onto the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system in Spring 2007. This latest installment in the critically-acclaimed series will elevate the arcade fighting genre to all-new heights as it takes true advantage of the capabilities of the next-generation hardware. Game footage will be on display at the 2006 Entertainment Electronic Expo on May 10-12 in the SEGA booth (South Hall, Booth #946).

Virtua Fighter 5 will feature an all-star cast of 17 fighters, including characters from the previous iterations along with two new characters named El Blaze and Eileen. El Blaze is a Mexican fighting champion who defeats opponents with his quick Lucha Libre fighting style. Eileen, originally from China, uses a Monkey Kung-Fu fighting style that she learned from her grandfather, a former Kung-Fu master. Players will be able to customize their characters by selecting from four uniquely patterned costumes and a wide range of attachable items that can be placed onto each fighter’s various body parts.

Virtua Fighter 5 will deliver fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action as players head into battle, taking on a host of popular characters. Players will not only achieve victory by defeating highly-skilled opponents, but will also compete for prizes and earn in-game money through the match to buy many items at an in-game shop. These items allow players to customize their ultimate warrior and become the top Virtua Fighter. In addition, the game will introduce « Offensive Move », a new maneuver that will allow players to easily approach opponents from the side, adding a more strategic element to the battle. The game will support 720p HD resolution.

« Virtua Fighter 5 will offer fans the ultimate next-generation fighting game experience, » said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. « For years, the industry has talked about bringing the arcade experience to the living room. Virtua Fighter 5 fulfills this promise, and then some. »

Virtua Fighter 5 is being developed by SEGA Studios and will be available on the Sony PLAYSTATION 3 in Spring 2007.
source gamespress


Passionné de jeux vidéo et de bidouilles en tout genre je suis passé par différentes rédactions, Maxoe, Pspgen ou encore Fun&Zen et blogueur sur Tuto Station depuis 2006.

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